Thursday 28 December 2017

Financial statement analysis

                    Financial statement analysis

The main aim of the financial statement is to provide information
and understand the financial aspects of the firm.


1.Income statement

                             Income statement is also called as profit and loss account, which reflects the operational position of the firm during a particular period.

2.Balance Sheet

                              It explain the financial position of the firm during the year.Position statement helps to ascertain and understand the total assets, liabilities and capital of the firm. One can understand the strength and weakness of the concern with
the help of the position statement

3.Cash flow Statement

                                         The statement of cash flow reports the sources of cash inflows and cash outflows during an accounting period.It will act like a connecting statement between income statement and balance sheet.


1. Comparative Statement Analysis

A. Comparative Income Statement Analysis
B. Comparative Position Statement Analysis

2. Trend Analysis
3. Common Size Analysis

Comparative Statement Analysis

                                   Comparative statement analysis is an analysis of financial statement at different period of  time. This statement helps to understand the comparative position of financial and
operational performance at different period of time.

Comparative Balance Sheet Analysis

                          Comparative balance sheet analysis concentrates only the balance sheet of the concern at different period of time. Under this analysis the balance sheets are compared with previous
year’s figures or one-year balance sheet figures are compared with other years.

Trend Analysis

                   The financial statements may be analysed by computing trends of series of information. It
may be upward or downward directions which involve the percentage relationship of each
and every item of the statement with the common value of 100%

Common Size Analysis

Another important financial statement analysis techniques are common size analysis in
which figures reported are converted into percentage to some common base

Sunday 24 December 2017

financial management

1.Introduction to Financial management
DEFINITION OF FINANCE :                              According to Khan and Jain, “Finance is the art and science of managing money.                                 
In the words of Parhter and Wert, “Business finance deals primarily with raising, administering and disbursing funds by privately owned business units operating in nonfinancial fields of industry”.

                              TYPES OF FINANCE

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Important accounting information

Accounting definition:
                       It is an art of recording classifying and summarizing financial transactions in significant manner.
                   It is an book of primary entrie.Recording as per chronological order.
                   It is a statement of all the financial transactions related to assets,liabilities,shareholders,revenues&gains,and expenses or losses in a given time period.
                 The process of transfering the financial transactions from journal to ledger.
Trail balance: 
                  It is used to checking the arthematical accuracy before going to prepare final accounts.


Finanl accounting/Balance sheet:
                                               it explain financial position of the firm.